
I have always been an organizer. It’s one of my inherent skills. I look at priorities and the big picture, plan the steps needed to make changes, then take action to move in that direction.
For years I used my skills in my daily life and work. Earlier in my life, my jobs included setting up and managing a small law office; and managing several businesses: a fine art gallery, a metaphysical bookstore, and an acupuncture college’s student clinic.
In addition, I honed my mentoring and life coach skills from 1996 to 2002 while working for CoreLight, a non-profit spiritual organization. My responsibilities included coordinating meditation retreats, conferences, and other events; assisting with the development and administration of a four-year training course; and providing support and guidance to participants.
I’m also a graduate of the CoreLight Teacher Training four-year course, where I learned multiple tools to enhance the journey of self-discovery and transformation. I continue to work at cultivating inner peace, clarity, and compassion in my life.
In 2003 I had a revelation. I had all the skills, passion, and experience to offer people a much-needed service. Your Essential Solutions was born.
My main service started with my offering essential hands-on help with reducing clutter and organizing, in addition to providing compassionate support during life’s many transitions.
I chose the name Your Essential Solutions for my business for these reasons:
My gift is assisting my clients with making essential changes in their lives.
I create personalized solutions based on your needs and how you function best.
I help you reframe your view on your possessions: “What is essential?”
I aim to help you create order, comfort, functionality, and tranquility in your home and life.
I love to garden and I have lots of veggies growing in my backyard. I also enjoy dancing: swing, waltz and contra dance are a few favorites. I find immense value in traveling, both around the U.S. and to other countries. And there’s nothing like hiking and camping in a remote spot to clear my head. I love to read for pleasure and to increase my knowledge related to organizing, personal growth, and psychology. And last but not least, I have an extended family that I cherish.
Sometimes people assume I’m a perfectionist; I’m not. I have messy phases too; we all do! The idea of perfection can hold us back from our next steps. When I’m elbows deep in a project, my desk and surrounding area tend to develop a series of piles. I pile like with like until it’s apparent that a “put away” phase is in order. I then block out time on my calendar and tidy up. This is just one example of a quick system that works while allowing me the freedom to be creative.
I am passionate about transformation. That word might mean certain things for you. For me it means shifting from old ways of “doing and being” into new, healthier ways. I take a holistic approach in my life and with my clients. Although I am a hands-on organizer, decluttering your physical space often brings clarity to your mind, emotions, body, and spirit. Everything is inter-connected! And, most importantly, I enjoy witnessing the amazing changes experienced by my clients.
That’s a little bit of who I am. Who are you?
And how may I help you transform your life?
Let’s find out! Contact me for a free initial consultation.