12 Steps to Clearing Clutter

Many of us are spending more time at home than ever before. You might be working from home, helping your children with school, or just staying in to keep healthy during these trying times.

This might be a good opportunity to stand back and take a critical look at your space. Is it working for you? Do you have big clutter? Small clutter? Hidden clutter? Here’s a list to help you successfully complete your next organizing project.

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1.   How do you want to live? List your priorities and your vision.

2.   Make a commitment to start and share it with someone. (spouse, friend, counselor)

3.   Baby steps! Plan to take small, manageable steps during this process.

4.   Schedule time and honor it. Silence your phone and avoid distractions if possible.

5.   Gather these tools:

  • At least four boxes or bags labeled with Trash, Recycle, Give Away, Relocate. You may want additional containers for Sell, Give to (a specific person), etc.

  • Trash bags, labels, marker, notepad, file folders, tape, cleaning supplies, and water to keep yourself refreshed.

6.   Choose a place to start: your desktop, a closet, or other area that makes you cringe.

7.   Clear off the surface you are working on (such as a desktop, shelf); replace only the essential items and sort the rest into your Trash, Recycling, Give Away, and Relocate containers.

8.   During this sorting process, put like items with other like items. Gently release what you don't love and use. The following questions will help.

  • Do I love it (or at least like it)? Do I need it?

  • When was the last time I used it (wore it, looked at it, appreciated it)?

  • Do I own duplicates of this item that I can now let go of

  • Does it need repair? Am I willing to spend the time and/or money to fix it?

  • Does it relate to the priorities in my life? Does it support or enhance who I am now?

  • What memories or associations does it have? Pleasant or unpleasant? Do I wish to continue to share my home with it -- and the memories?

9.   Stay in the room you’re working on so you can remain focused. If you’re reminded of tasks you need to do, write these down on your notepad.

10. Assign a home to everything. Where do you use it? Where would you look for it?

11. Give yourself plenty of time at the end to put your “Relocate” items away and clean up.

12. Celebrate your newly cleared area!

Need help? If you get stuck, ask a friend (someone neutral) for support. If it still feels overwhelming, or is moving too slowly, maybe it’s time to invest in professional help.

I’ve been helping clients get organized for over 22 years. I work alongside you, while also teaching you the organizational skills for real and lasting change. Take the next step to release your clutter. Call me for a free consultation and reserve a spot on my schedule.


Clear your clutter before selling your house!